Doorway to Burning Man: Drawing the Line between Radical Self Expression and Hate Speech
1. Introduction Leaving no trace, radical self-expression, gifting. These are only three of the ten…
1. Introduction Leaving no trace, radical self-expression, gifting. These are only three of the ten…
According to Advocate General Szpunar, an order by a court of one of the member…
Abstract of the research: Social media platforms have transformed the dynamics of freedom of…
Background On the evening of December 14th, 2022, Twitter suspended the accounts of numerous high-profile…
Nel n.3/2022 della Rivista di Diritto dei Media è stato pubblicato il contributo di Federica…
Per tutta una serie di ragioni, che proveremo a esplicitare nel breve spazio del presente…
Pubblicato sul numero 2/2022 della Rivista di Diritto dei Media il contributo di Matteo Monti…
South African Equality Court, Nelson Mandela Foundation Trust v Afriforum NPC, 21 August 2019 Any public or…
ECtHR,Becker v. Norway, app. 21272/12 (2018) The journalist’s protection under Art. 10 ECHR cannot automatically…
General Court, 15 March 2018, case T-1/17, La Mafia Franchises v. EUIPO Article 7(1)(f) of Regulation…
CEDU, Alpha Doryforiki Tileorasi Anonymi Etairia v. Greece, ric. 72562/10 (2018) In the case in question,…
“Nessuno possiede la storia”. Con questa granitica presa di posizione, la Corte d’Appello della California…
Featured here is a summary of an article written by Tito Rendas, lecturer and researcher…
Attacks on Paris and Brussels in the past year have put the Western world on high alert, and…
In a stunning decision recently released by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit,…
Last year was very interesting for the Russian Federation from the legal point of view.…
(Corte Edu, Sezione Prima, Delfi contro Estonia, ricorso n. 64596/09, sentenza 10 Ottobre 2013) 1. …
“Libertà va cercando, ch’è sì cara, come sa chi per lei vita rifiuta”. Non sono…
In Ulyanovsk city according to court order of first instance on May 23, 2013 OJSC…
Below is the text of the lecture that Prof. Oreste Pollicino (Bocconi University) and Dr.…
«Controllo del web» è espressione che stona, anche se a pronunciarla è una persona la…
This video consists of Part 4 of the Conference on “European Union competencies in respect…
The publication of this comment is part of a cross-posting agreement between Medialaws and IPilogue…
The overall WSIS review is a complex process involving multiple UN agencies. This review also…
Turkey, with its 37 million of users, is among the first 20 countries which have…
On March 27 Oreste Pollicino and Marco Bassini spoke at the conference on “Media Pluralism…
This is the re-posting of a comment first appeared on IPosgoode at the following url:…
If William Shakespeare were drafting Hamlet’s soliloquy nowadays, he would probably rejuvenate it in this…
It’s been a peculiar day in relation to Ireland’s SOPA. First of all, junior minister…
Twitter announced last Thursday (January 26) through a blogpost, http://blog.twitter.com/“Tweets still must flow”, that it…
L’Ungheria pone a rischio i valori dell’Unione ? “Il cambiamento che oggi abbiamo democraticamente determinato…
This is the reposting of a comment first appeared on diritticomparati.it On December 19 the…