CALL FOR PAPERS | “Individual safeguards in the era of AI: fair algorithms, fair regulation, fair procedures”


MediaLaws is pleased to announce a call for papers organized by JUST-AI Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, concerning the theme of fairness in the era of AI.

Researchers in various stages of career advancement (doc, post-doc, Assist. and Assoc. Prof) active in IT, the social sciences and the humanities are encouraged to apply for the JUST-AI Summer Colloquium.

The following topics may provide guidance on the types of presentations and discussions requested:

  1. The facets of fairness: conceptual uniformity vs. conceptual plurality
  2. Fairness as rationale of substantive and procedural AI regulation
  3. Individual safeguards against AI-related harm

The deadline for the submission of the abstract is the 15th of March.

For more information, please visit the following link.

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